Notary Network

Notary Network

Notary Network

Integration with third-party notary organization, OneNotary, to provide on-demand notaries for any DocuSign documents requiring notarization. This product offering minimizes friction for companies without notaries on-staff, expanding the reach of DocuSign Notary product suite.

At a Glance

My Role

Lead Designer.

Collaborated with product management, engineering, as well as OneNotary CEO and design team.

Key Deliverables

End to end prototypes for POC, MVP, and GA designs.


Create a cohesive, integrated product experience that enables organizations to get documents notarized without having on-staff notaries.

  1. Provide a trusted and legally compliant way to remotely notarize documents without requiring customers to have their own notary pool

  2. Enable current customers to expand their current notarization needs

  3. Support remote online notary transactions across all 50 states with varying RON laws

  4. Facilitate 24/7 on-demand remote online notary transactions

Project Goals

Constraints & Challenges

  1. Extremely tight timelines between production phases, limiting design scope

  2. Lack of formal research support

  3. Alignment between DocuSign and OneNotary teams on workflow and design direction

User Flow Diagrams

Collaboration between DocuSign and OneNotary product and design teams to determine optimal user journey.

These diagrams reflect first-pass iterations at possible workflow options. To further simplify the workflow, we ultimately decided to keep envelope preparation owned by DocuSign, and use OneNotary UI for the entire notarization session experience.

Most recent prototype

Most up to date workflow for GA product release, including envelope preparer, signer, and notary personas.

Keep in mind these designs are still under construction! Screens owned by the OneNotary team require modifications and will appear slightly different in production.